lakeland terrier - Pawsource

lakeland terrier


The Lakeland Terrier is a breed of dog that originated in the Lake District region of England. It is one of the oldest terrier breeds and originated from crosses between the Old English Black and Tan Terrier and the Bedlington Terrier. The Lakeland Terrier was used for hunting vermin, such as foxes and badgers, and later also as a watchdog and companion dog. The breed was officially recognized by the Kennel Club in England in 1921 and has since become popular in many countries around the world.


The Lakeland Terrier is known for its lively and independent nature. They are highly intelligent dogs that love to learn and are quick to pick up new commands. They are energetic and love to play and run, but are also loving and loyal to their owners. They have a strong protective instinct and make good watchdogs. While they are generally friendly with other dogs and people, they can be a little reserved with strangers at times. It is important to properly socialize the Lakeland Terrier at a young age to ensure they are comfortable in a variety of situations.


The Lakeland Terrier is generally a healthy breed with an average lifespan of about 12-15 years. However, there are some health issues that this breed can be prone to including hip dysplasia, patellar luxation and eye problems. It is important to have the Lakeland Terrier checked regularly by a vet and to make sure they are fed a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.


The Lakeland Terrier has a double coat consisting of a dense, rough outer coat and a soft undercoat. They don't shed much, but their coat needs regular brushing to prevent tangles and clumps. The Lakeland Terrier's coat should be trimmed about twice a year to keep it in good condition. In addition to coat care, the Lakeland Terrier also needs plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy. It is important to take them out daily and give them the opportunity to run and play.

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