Welke allergieën komen vaak voor bij honden en wat kun je doen om ze te voorkomen? - Pawsource

Which allergies are common in dogs and what can you do to prevent them?

As a proud dog owner, you naturally want to keep your furry friend as healthy as possible. Unfortunately, just like humans, dogs can suffer from allergies. In this article, we take a closer look at the most common allergies in dogs and what you can do to prevent them.

Whether you have a new dog or have had a four-legged friend for years, it is always good to be aware of the health risks. Read more about: 7 common dog health problems and how to prevent them

What Are Allergies in Dogs?

Allergies are a reaction of the immune system to substances that the body considers foreign. In dogs, allergies can be caused by food, pollen, dust mites, fleas and other external factors.

The most common allergies in dogs

Below you will find an overview of the most common allergies in dogs.

Food allergies

Just like humans, dogs can be allergic to certain foods. The most common food allergies in dogs are related to beef, dairy products, wheat and eggs.

Allergies to pollen

Just like humans, dogs can be allergic to pollen. This can lead to skin irritations, itching and inflammation. The most common pollens dogs are allergic to are grass pollen, tree pollen, and weed pollen.

Dust mite allergies

Dust mites are a common cause of allergies in dogs. The mites themselves are invisible to the naked eye, but their droppings are not. These excrements can lead to skin irritations, itching and inflammation.

Flea allergies

Dogs can be allergic to fleas. This is due to the proteins in the saliva of the flea. An allergic reaction to flea bites can lead to skin irritations and itching.

Symptoms of allergies in dogs

The symptoms of allergies in dogs can vary depending on the cause of the allergy. Below you will find an overview of the most common symptoms.

  • Itchy skin
  • Skin rash
  • Inflammations
  • Ear infections
  • Excessive licking or scratching
  • Vomiting and diarrhea

What can you do to prevent allergies in dogs?

Preventing allergies in dogs can be challenging, but there are a number of steps you can take. Below you will find a number of tips.

Feed your dog a healthy diet

A healthy diet can strengthen your dog's immune system and prevent allergies. Choosefood with high-quality protein and avoid ingredients that dogs are often allergic to, such as beef, wheat and dairy products.

Keep your house clean

A clean environment can help prevent allergies in dogs. Vacuum regularly and keep your dog's environment clean. Also regularly wash your dog's bedding and toys.

Avoid contact with allergens

If you know what your dog is allergic to, try to avoid contact with these allergens. For example, if your dog is allergic to pollen, avoid walks in the park during pollen season.

Use flea repellents

A flea allergy can often be prevented by using flea pesticides. Ask your vet for advice on which product is best for your dog.

Consider immunotherapy

Immunotherapy can help reduce allergies in dogs. Your dog is exposed to small amounts of the allergen, so that the immune system gradually reacts less strongly to this substance.

Treatment of allergies in dogs

If your dog is allergic, there are several treatments available. Below you will find an overview.


Medication can help reduce allergy symptoms in dogs. Several types of medication are available, including antihistamines, corticosteroids, and cyclosporine.

Shampoos and sprays

Shampoos and sprays can help relieve itchy skin and rashes in dogs. Special shampoos and sprays are available that are specifically formulated for dogs with allergies.

Dietary changes

A dietary change can help reduce allergy symptoms in dogs. Consult with your veterinarian which diet is best for your dog.


Allergies can be an annoying problem for dogs. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent and treat allergies. Feeding a healthy diet, keeping your home clean and avoiding contact with allergens can help your dog stay healthy and happy.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can my dog ​​be allergic to grass?

Yes, dogs can be allergic to grass pollen. This can lead to skin irritations, itching and inflammation.

2. What are the most common food allergies in dogs?

The most common food allergies in dogs are related to beef, dairy products, wheat and eggs.

3. How can I prevent allergies in my dog?

You can prevent allergies in your dog by feeding a healthy diet, keeping your home clean, avoiding contact with allergens, using flea control products, and considering immunotherapy.

4. What are the symptoms of a flea allergy in dogs?

Symptoms of a flea allergy in dogs include itching, rashes, hair loss and scratching.

5. What is the best way to treat my dog ​​if he has allergies?

The best way to treat your dog is by giving it medication, using shampoos and sprays, and considering a diet change. Always consult with your vet which treatment is best for your dog.

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