Hartworm: wat is hartworm en hoe kun je het voorkomen? - Pawsource

Heartworm: what is heartworm and how can you prevent it?

As a pet owner, you want to do everything you can to ensure that your pet is and remains healthy. Unfortunately, there are a number of diseases that your pet is susceptible to, such as heartworm. In this article, we'll discuss what heartworm is, how it is spread, and most importantly, how to prevent it.

Did you know that some common dog health problems are relatively easy to prevent? Learn more about these and other tips in this handy guide: 7 Common Dog Health Problems and How to Prevent Them


Heartworm is a parasitic disease caused by a worm that burrows into your pet's heart. This disease is most common in dogs, but can also occur in cats and other mammals. The parasitic worm can cause damage to the heart, lungs and other organs and can eventually lead to the death of your pet.

How is heartworm spread?

Heartworm is spread through mosquito bites. When an infected mosquito bites your pet, the microscopic heartworm larvae are injected into your pet's blood. These larvae migrate through your pet's body and eventually settle in the heart and pulmonary arteries. Here they grow into adult worms that feed on your pet's blood.

Heartworm symptoms

In the early stages of a heartworm infection, there are often no symptoms. Over time, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Cough
  • shortness of breath
  • Decreased appetite

If left untreated, the disease can worsen symptoms and lead to heart failure.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of heartworm is made through a blood test at the vet. If heartworm is diagnosed, the vet will prescribe treatment. The treatment consists of several injections given over a period of several months. It is important to know that heartworm treatment is hard on your pet and there are risks involved.

Preventing heartworms

Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent heartworm. The most effective way to prevent heartworm is to regularly treat your pet with preventative medications. These drugs kill the microscopic larvae in the blood before they can settle in your pet's heart. The most common preventive medications are monthly tablets or a monthly injection.

In addition to preventive medications, there are a number of other measures you can take to reduce the risk of heartworm. These measures include:

  • Using insect repellent or lotion on your pet
  • Preventing standing water around the house
  • Using a mosquito net in your pet's sleeping area
  • Limiting the time your pet spends outside during dusk and night

It is important to emphasize that preventive medications are the best way to prevent heartworms. However, it is still important to take the above measures to reduce the risk of heartworm.

The importance of annual checks

Annual checkups are essential to keep your pet healthy. During these checkups, your vet can test for heartworms and other diseases that can affect your pet. If heartworm is detected at an early stage, the chances of successful treatment are much higher.


Heartworm is a serious disease that can affect your pet. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent heartworms, including preventive medications and other measures. It is important to have annual checkups to ensure that your pet stays healthy. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your pet is safe and can enjoy a long and healthy life.


  1. How often should I treat my pet for heartworm prevention?
  • Usually preventive medications are given monthly, but always consult your vet for specific advice.
  1. Can My Pet Get Heartworms If It Stays Indoors?
  • Yes, it is possible for your pet to get heartworms, even if kept indoors. This is because mosquitoes can get inside.
  1. Is heartworm treatment safe for my pet?
  • Heartworm treatment is hard on your pet and there are risks involved. It is important to discuss this with your vet before starting any treatment.
  1. Can I get heartworms from my pet?
  • No, heartworms are not contagious to humans.
  1. Can I Prevent Heartworms by Using Mosquito Repellent?
  • Using mosquito repellent can help reduce the risk of heartworms, but it's important to also use preventative medications for optimal protection.
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